ISSN: 2393-9508
e-ISSN: 2582-4902

The Biobrio 3(1 & 2), 2016

Nitrogen Fixing Blue Green Algae (BGA) in Rice Fields in India



Blue Green Algae (BGA) have the capacity to self generate photosynthates from CO and 2 water. It is gratifying to note that Aulosira is the most important alga of the rice fields of India. Algalization has been found to benefit all the growth parameters. The propagation of BGA enriches the N status of soil and also provides organic matter and biological quotient 2 substances for plant growth. The relationship between photosynthesis and N fixation is the 2 subject of considerable current interest. The two metals directly involved in N fixation are Mo 2 and Fe. Depending upon the nature and concentration of the pesticides their effect may be stimulatory or inhibitory


Blue green algae, Rice Fields, Nitrogen fixing

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