The Biobrio 8(3 & 4), 2021
Core forest of India is declining
Uma Shanker Singh
The Indian forest is declining and its state of poor health remains unattended, undiagnosed and untreated. The state governments are adding to plantation but plantations and forests are two different concepts. The level of deforestation is extremely high and remains unchecked. In response to a parliamentary question the Government of India revealed that 1,09,75,844 trees have been allowed to be cut in between 2014 and 2019 and similarly, a total of 20314.12 hectares of forest land has been transferred for non-forestry activities during 2015 and 2018. The Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats also show a decline of interior forest to the tune of 10% and 32198.94 respectively...
Climate change, Carbon dioxide,, Grassland, Forest fire, Forest density, Wet lands, Forest encroachment
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